Wednesday, September 13, 2006



I finally climbed on the Acropolis hill! What am I to say? I have started living like a tourist and I really like it. A bit of Paralympics, a bit of walking around Athens, all those things are the best for me to prolong the atmosphere of celebration. It’s a true celebration to me guys. I had never approached the Parthenon so much. Don’t think that it was easy. We had to cross the paved street of Pikionis with my front wheels remaining in the air (otherwise it would be impossible to go further). I enjoyed every single moment, even bumping on that paved street. It was the best way to have a natural lithotripsy! Who cares about gallstones?

I’ve preserved in my darkness the picture of a miracle that is enlightened by the sun itself. Nothing has left me feeling more free and independent. It’s the feeling that you have when you and time become one. Behind the ptychoses of the marbles there is only one moment to be found but you can’t place it in a specific time-span. There is no present, no past, no future. You are alone in front of an eternal secret. You want to swear that it will last forever. It’s not the greatness of the monument. It’s the voice and the breath of what remains up there. It is everything that traveled in time and kept company to history. It is not an object of love. It’s a symbol. It is a vibrant organism. You get the impression that, if you stand next to the pillars, you will listen to the Parthenon or to the Caryatids telling you stories about your country. Some times, you want to cry when you look at the colours that fade or at the faces of the human Gods who stay numb while time is passing. You want to swear again that you understood and heard every word they said with care.

There is no point in swearing; it is wise to remain silent when a small secret comes out only for you and through you.

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